
Monday, January 31, 2011

I've Got a New Wednesday Show!

I think that the day I have dreaded may have come. I think I may have to finally admit that I might possibly have been a teeny tiny bit wrong. You see, for the better part of the last two years I have made an absolute declaration that NBC's Community is the best comedy currently on the air. Up until now, I made this statement because I believed it to be true.

Let that one sink in for a minute. Allow me to explain. I still think that Community is one of the two best comedy's on the air. It might even still hold the number one slot, but it's harder to claim with absolute certainty anymore. I suddenly have realized what all of my friends who have had the gall to argue with my opinion were talking about the last two years when they told me I had to watch ABC's Modern Family.

I remember being six or seven weeks into Season 1 of Community and starting to make my proclamation to all of my friends. Several times I was challenged by people who claimed that Modern Family might be able to make a stake to that claim as well. However, I have an obsession with watching shows from start to finish in the order the writers intended them to be viewed (or at the very least, in the order the network aired them) and by that point, it was more than five episodes in and "Hulu Plus" wasn't a thing yet, so I decided I would wait and catch up on Season 1 of Modern Family later, when the episodes came out on DVD.

Well guess what I finally finished catching up on today? 

Looking back now, I wonder what sort of hubris led me to dismiss ABC's comedy front-runner without watching it first. I'm pretty sure it wasn't network bias, but my justification of that statement sounds like a racist's favorite retort: "Several of my favorite shows belong to ABC!" Although, come to think of it, that's not even entirely true. Of all of ABC's line up, I really only like Castle...... but I really like Castle, so it feels like I enjoy more of their shows by association. And it's not like Modern Family was on the CW or something. I just couldn't believe that what I thought of as an Arrested Development rip-off could possibly live up to the hype. It is time to admit that I was dead wrong.

From now on, I have two favorite comedies, and ABC has earned an apology. So I'm sorry ABC, you guys can be funny sometimes too, and I'm not too proud to admit that I made a mistake (I've done it at least four times in this blog alone!). 

Add one more show to my weekly roster. And honestly, what else was I going to be watching at 9:00pm on a Wednesday, Minute to Win It? 

Before I go making any more inaccurate declarations, are there any other shows I should be sure to catch, to help me form a complete opinion?

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