
Friday, March 18, 2011


Network Reprogramming has been accused several times recently of being "pretentious." The term has been hurled about like it was an horrific blemish to the honor of internet writers everywhere that should be avoided at all costs. I thought I'd take a moment to respond and defend the poor defenseless webpage from its school yard bullies. It doesn't deserve such abuse.

The reality is, this blog is pretentious. In addition to my own healthy ego which adds a sense of the grandiose to everything I write, more often than not this blog is written in a voice that presents my opinions as facts. Pretension is a natural bi-product.

Not only that, but I'd like to remind everyone that in this blog I am critically reviewing and analyzing television. Even if I altered my tone to sound less self-assured, I would still be giving a great weight, that most of society would deem abnormally large, to a storytelling medium mostly deemed to be base and unworthy (as opposed to books, theatre, opera, etc...).

This blog can not NOT be pretentious. So rather than try to downplay its pomposity, I choose to embrace it.

Also, I'm just always right. So the blog has that going for it as well.

1 comment:

  1. The problem here, Brian, is that I am right more than you are, so I can not stand to read your nonsense when you are so wrong compared to my rightness.

    I might have just broken the pretentionsphere. Like dividing by zero.


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