
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Where's My Happy Ending?

Yesterday marked the return to television of a show that I have come to enjoy quite a bit. It's not one of my favorites by any means, I won't be rushing out to buy the first season DVD set anytime soon, but if I happened to win them as a prize in some sort of contest, I wouldn't try to sell them on ebay either. I'm talking about ABC's second season comedy, Happy Endings.

Some of you may have missed the first season of Happy Endings entirely, since it sneaked in at the end of ABC's spring season. If you're one of those people, I'd highly recommend you give the show a try. It was kind of slow to start out, and I even described it once as a show that I kind of hated myself for liking. However, by the end of the season, I was looking forward to each new episode popping up in my Hulu queue. It's basically a Friends clone, about six friends hanging out, and how their relationships are changed forever when one of the group walks out on another at the altar. Interesting premise right? And it automatically killed any of the will-they-won't-they that made Ross and Rachel so annoying.

So anyway, back to season 2, which premiered last night. I have to say, I wasn't too impressed. There were some really great jokes thrown into the middle of the episode, like when Penny's random Neighbor #3 announced matter of factly that he had trained his cats to crawl through vents and open windows, but overall the episode didn't make me smile very much, let alone laugh. Also, it felt really out of place as both a season premiere, and even just as part of the second season at all. The first season of Happy Endings was aired out of order by ABC, and this second season premiere kind of felt like it belonged midway through season one as far as plot points and character development (such as it is in a 30 minute comedy).

I'm not too worried about the show as a whole though, because the first season, at the beginning, didn't really impress me either, but it grew on me. I'll let season 2 grow on me a bit as well, and we'll see where that takes us.

On a side note, television tells me that attractive twenty-somethings group together in evenly gendered packs of six. Where are my two awesome male friends and three super cool female friends?

Anyone in Seattle want a new friend?.... Anyone want to move to Seattle?

Be forewarned, I spend a lot of time watching TV.

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